While mommy dearest was in the States having surgery I was over here on the cold lil' island country, Iceland, shopping in Selfoss after a long morning of history class lesson. Selfoss wasn't as intimidating as I thought it would be. I sort of panicked at the idea of going into an actual town and being in shopping centers. But they aren't much different from some of the stuff I've been in thats in the USA.
Quaint stores with village level pricing. Lots of cafes and there was even a KFC at the beginning of the town. True, the food and pricing differ but it was a regular town with normal people. It was comforting. Sort of.
The most exciting moment for me was when I found the DVD "I'm a cyborg, but its okay" in the grocery store called 'Bonus'. (Its a RAIN movie. RAIN is a korean actor I absolutely love because he's so funny and great at singing, dancing, and acting) I thought about buying it, it was only 650 krs (about 5 dollars). While I didn't buy it that day, if I happen to see it again at that amazing price, I just might have to get it.
June 2:
Mythology class in the morning. I skipped hiking up to breakfast to get an extra forty-five minutes of sleep. And while it helped me focus more in class, I still got sleepy during all the talk of strange gods and goddess. Luckily class only lasted till 1230. We hiked up the winding path to lunch and came back down. I took a nap during the 2 hour free time so that I would be awake and alert when Baldwin and Egylo showed up.
Baldwin is a 12 year old boy who is the grandchild of some people who work at Skalholt. He visited the Meredith Abroad girls last summer while they were staying here and was happy to see the new group yesterday afternoon. His english is remarkably good and he's good at teaching us icelandic. While some things get lost in translation and misunderstandings between us and him, he still seems to keep up with our jokes and even jokes back. He doesn't look much different from a kid in the USA. Blonde haired and blue eyed with fair complexion.
He came by around 345 in the afternoon and hung out with us. Myself, Dr. G, Dr. N, Kate-noel, Regan, and Juila P. flew kites and played batchie ball with Baldwin for hours - at least until it was time for dinner and the Egylo meeting.
At six we met in the lobby at the dinning hall near the church and met with the editor of the Icelandic Review Online website. She's an extremely nice young woman and was eager to answer our questions. We spent thirty minutes talking with her until it was time to go eat dinner. Baldwin joined us for dinner and so did Egylo. Steinun (our amazing cook!) fixed pizza and french fries and also got us some freshly made ice cream from a place down the street. It was a meal fit for an American King.
After dinner we went back into the lobby to finish conversing with Egylo before we said our goodbyes and headed back to the hostel. At the hostel Dr. G and Baldwin were waiting for us. He had gotten permission to spend the night at the hostel in order to hang out with the Meredith Crew.
And now I'm here. Sitting quietly in my room enjoying the view and trying to relax. Today was a long day and I began to let the fear sit into my bones. I've avoided the facts such as: I'll be here for a month; I'm in a different country; and My family is so far away and I wont see them for a month. I keep myself away from thinking that. But as cliques form in the group and people start to divide up I begin to feel so many emotions. I'm not sure were I stand. I'm not too particularly close with anyone. Its kind of weird. I am truly on my own out here.
I suppose. . . .
Let The Good Times Roll (?)
Hang in there, like a hair in a biscuit!